Friday, March 18, 2005

Right Under Your Nose

Doesn't it frustrate you when you know you have something, know you saw it, but at that one particular moment you desperately need it, just can't seem to find it?

Well, here's some useful advice for the near-sighted: look where you least expect it to be. Trust me, it's there.

Twice this week I've turned my room upside down. Just today, in my search for a tiny insignificant little piece of paper, I ransacked my room and searched everywhere above, below, and around my desk. It can't possibly be there, I think to myself, as I make blatant, intentional strides around my desk to avoid it.

Finally, I give in. What the hell, I've looked everywhere. It can't hurt to go through my desk -- I've already invested 20 minutes of my time to this crazy search anyway.

Ten seconds later.. I find it.

Did I hit myself on the head? You bet I did.


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