Monday, March 14, 2005

Get on with it.

People who call to sell a product or service are the worst. They generally start off with a "How's your day?" or "How's it going?" -- like they're actually interested in your life (when they absolutely have no clue who you are).

And then they go on to talk about what they have to offer and try to get you to schedule a date/time when they can meet with you. So you sit there and listen to their spiel for, say, about 10 minutes (if you're really nice), when from the first moment you picked up the phone and heard their voice, you knew you weren't the least bit interested in what they had to say.

Well, there's this guy who's called about 5 times now trying to get me to sign up for something. Every time he calls, I have a new excuse. Not right now. This week is really busy for me. I'll call you back. I've tried them all, and he still doesn't get the hint.

Why I can't just hang up on the guy, I don't know; it seems a little rude to me. But I think I feel sorry for the guy. Maybe one of these days, I'm just going to interrupt him mid-spiel and go, "Do you like your job? Do you enjoy calling and talking to people who are not interested in anything you have to say? Do you enjoy people hanging up on you?".

In any case, you really can't hate people like that. I mean, it is their job after all. It's not like they enjoy doing what they do. They do it because they have to.

So instead of getting mad next time, I think I'll use sarcasm instead. Maybe I'll tell him I just found out I have cancer, and I don't have any extra money right now on account of, you know, all the trips I've had to make to the hospital and all. But do try calling me back next month. I should be done with my chemotheraphy, and maybe by then, I would have saved up some extra cash. You have a good day now.


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